
Before you can use the template tags, you need to load them with {% load disqus_tags %}.


Return the HTML/Javascript code to enable DISQUS comments on a local development server. This template tag will only return a value if the settings.DEBUG setting is set to True. If you don’t include this, the comment form will not show up on a local development server.


{% load disqus_tags %}
{% disqus_dev %}


<script type="text/javascript">
  var disqus_developer = 1;
  var disqus_url = 'http://arthurkoziel.com/';


Renders the disqus/show_comments.html template to display DISQUS comments, including any configuration variables set in this template block. The comments for the current Thread and the comment form are displayed to the user. See the embed code for more information.


{% load disqus_tags %}
{% disqus_show_comments %}


<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://disqus.com/forums/arthurkozielsblog/embed.js"></script>
<noscript><p><a href="http://arthurkozielsblog.disqus.com/?url=ref">View the discussion thread.</a></p></noscript>
<p><a href="http://disqus.com" class="dsq-brlink">blog comments powered by <span class="logo-disqus">Disqus</span></a></p>


  • shortname: DISQUS website shortname that should be used. The settings.DISQUS_WEBSITE_SHORTNAME setting takes precedence over this parameter. Example: {% disqus_show_comments "foobar" %}


Renders the disqus/recent_comments.html template to display a certail number of recent DISQUS comments on your site, including any configuration variables set in this template block. See the embed code for more information.


{% load disqus_tags %}
{% disqus_recent_comments shortname num_items excerpt_length hide_avatars avatar_size %}

{% disqus_recent_comments shortname 5 50 0 24 %} - will show 5 comments, truncated to 50 symbols
with avatars 24x24px
{% disqus_recent_comments shortname 10 50 1 %} - show 10 comments, truncated to 50 symbols
without avatars


  • shortname: DISQUS website shortname that should be used. The settings.DISQUS_WEBSITE_SHORTNAME setting takes precedence over this parameter.
  • num_items: How many comments to show(default is to show 5 comments)
  • excerpt_length: Truncate length of comment to a certain number(default is 200 symbols)
  • hide_avatars: Whether to show avatars or not(default is to show)
  • avatar_size: Size (in px) of avatar (default 32x32)


Renders the disqus/num_replies.html template, including any configuration variables set in this template block. This code that transforms links which end with a #disqus_thread anchor into the thread’s comment count.

Disqus recommends including a data-disqus-identifier parameter to the <a> tag for consistent lookup. Make sure you also use set_disqus_identifier on the page it links to, as well.


{% load disqus_tags %}
<a href="{{ object.get_absolute_url }}#disqus_thread" data-disqus-identifier="{{ object.id }}">View Comments</a>
{% disqus_num_replies %}

Template Tag output:

<script type="text/javascript">

The javascript will then transform the link to:

<a href="foobar/">2 Comments</a>


  • shortname: DISQUS website shortname that should be used. The settings.DISQUS_WEBSITE_SHORTNAME setting takes precedence over this parameter. Example: {% disqus_num_replies "foobar" %}


Adds disqus_developer variable to the context for the current block. The context variable is used in the disqus_show_comments and disqus_num_replies templatetags for signaling Disqus you are in testing mode. See JavaScript configuration variables documentation for more information.


{% load disqus_tags %}
{% set_disqus_developer 1 %}


Adds disqus_identifier variable to the context for the current block. The context variable is used in the disqus_show_comments and disqus_num_replies templatetags to assign a unique value for this page. The value can be a static value or a variable. See JavaScript configuration vairables documentation for more information.


{% load disqus_tags %}
{% set_disqus_identifier object.id %}

You may also pass in multiple arguments, which will then be concatenated:

{% load disqus_tags %}
{% set_disqus_identifier "blogentry_" object.id %}

This results in disqus_identifier set to blogentry_25, if the object’s id is 25.


Adds disqus_url variable to the context for the current block. The context variable is used in the disqus_show_comments and disqus_num_replies templatetags to assign a the URL for this page. This is very important if there are several ways to reach this page (mobile and desktop versions, for example). The value can be a static value or a variable. See JavaScript configuration variables documentation for more information.


{% load disqus_tags %}
{% set_disqus_url object.get_absolute_url %}


Adds disqus_title variable to the context for the current block. The context variable is used in the disqus_show_comments and disqus_num_replies templatetags to assign a title for this page. If your <title> tag contains extra cruft, this is useful for setting a easier to read title. The value can be a static value or a variable. See JavaScript configuration variables documentation for more information.


{% load disqus_tags %}
{% set_disqus_title object.headline %}